
A Few Tidbits for Parenting

New parents face many problems and issues that they are expected to understand and deal with immediately.  Unfortunately, newborns do not come with an instruction book so here are a few topics that you may need to know about.   * Bathing your baby:  Until your baby’s umbilical cord falls off one to two weeks after their birth, only give her sponge baths.  A cotton ball or cotton swab dampened with alcohol can help to dry the umbilical stump or follow your pediatrician’s directions.  After the stump falls off, you can give him a bath in a sink or shallow tub.   * Caesarian delivery:  A caesarian is usually performed to make delivery safer for you or your baby.  C-sections can be done for many different reasons including stalled labor, complicated labor, problems with the baby that may make delivery difficult, or other problems.  It does not matter if you deliver vaginally or by a caesarian section, you are still a mother with a beaut...

Baby’s Naptime

If you baby is not napping well during her first few months of life, you may want to try to cut back on the time she is awake by 15 minute increments.  If she is getting overstimulated, then she will fight sleep and be difficult to get to nap.  The way to prevent this is to watch her “sleepy” cues to make sure that you put her down when she is beginning to get sleepy.   Some parents believe that letting their child cry will harm him or her.  Fifteen or twenty minutes of crying will not harm your child physically or mentally.  Babies will learn to self-soothe and fall asleep by themselves, but only if you let her.  It is very important that babies learn to fall asleep by themselves so that they can self-soothe if they awake in the middle of the night.  Otherwise, you may have a child that will not sleep through the night for years.   Regular sleep patterns are intermeshed with regular eating patterns, so let us look at the stages of a bab...

Changing the Awkward Shots Into Opportunities

For some of us golfers, this is something that happens to us more often that we would like.  You know what I am talking about.  Shots that throw you off balance or aren’t as simple as instruction videos or professionals make them look.  Here are some great ways to overcome the awkward shots.   When you have an awkward shot to make, think about how you can swing, keep your balance, and keep from moving your head.  Then imagine the line your club travels along.     Prior to setting up your shot, consider where the club head needs to travel for the greatest distance in a straight line.  Keep in mind that the ball makes contact with the club head for several inches.  After you make a few practice swings, you will be able to see what relationship your feet will have with the line and then you can determine your stance.   It is important to keep from swaying when you are about the hit the ball.  Just before you swing, see i...

Breastfeeding Your Baby

 Breastfeeding problems, such as milk production difficulties, are not as common when using the PDF feeding method, but they do occur.  Even if you are well rested, eating healthy, have a pretty routine life, and your baby is growing and getting enough food, you still may experience a milk production issue.  Many things can cause production problems.  Here are just a few.   Some things that can affect your milk supply are:   > What mom eats > How much mom rests and sleeps > Her state of mind > The age of the mom > How many children you have  > Your desire to breastfeed > Your nursing capabilities > Your nursing techniques > Baby’s latch on abilities If you choose to breastfeed, it is very important that you take your baby for their check-ups as needed.  If you don’t, how will you know if he is getting enough milk and growing at the correct rate?  There is no way for you to tell that your child is getting e...

Create and Maintain a Budget

The first step to avoiding the troubles of financial debt is to create and maintain a budget.  It’s not as intimidating as it sounds, don’t worry.        First off,  create a list of all your monthly income and also a list of your monthly expenses.  When determining income, list all sources including alimony, child support, side jobs, etc.  In calculating expenses, be sure to include housing, food, transportation, utilities, entertainment, etc.  To gain an accurate reflection of actual expenses, sit down each night and write down expenses, just make sure to save receipts.  Determine if your income covers all of your expenses.  If the answer is no, then some expenses need to be reduced.          Adjust expenses.  If it is a small discrepancy, it may mean reducing some minor expenses like entertainment or cell phone plan.  If the deficit is larger, you may need to downsize your vehicle or living...